1. Prewrite/brainstorm
The best way to begin a comparison and contrast essay is to determine the criteria by which you'll compare the two characters. These criteria will be the basis of your essay's body paragraphs. For this essay, you might want to compare the characters' knowledge of literary works, their reactions to the literary works, and their reactions to the actual burning of homes. After settling on the criteria, brainstorm, maybe using a Venn diagram to determine the similarities or differences between the two characters.
When completing your Venn diagram, you'll also want to jot down some text from Fahrenheit 451 that will help you when writing your analysis. For example, when comparing Beatty's and Montag's reactions to books, you might want to use these quotes with your own notes:
- After quoting book after book to Montag, Beatty advises, "Stick with the firemen, Montag. All else is dirty chaos."
- Montag, after reading in his home for hours, Montag begins noticing the jets flying overhead and says that with a book for an hour or two a day, "They just might stop us from making the same damn insane mistakes!"
2. Thesis
You need to develop a thesis statement based on the general argument in which you will write your essay. Look at the large differences and similarities between Montag and Beatty and then try to summarize your findings in a single 20- to 25-word sentence.
Example: While both Beatty and Montag work in a firehouse and have some knowledge and curiosity regarding books, Beatty accepts the social order controlled by the firemen, while Montag wonders what else might be out there.
3. Outline
Construct your essay in the way that will help you prove your argument in its best way possible. Not sure what level you are in school, but a basic literary outline for standard English courses might look like this:
I. Introduction
- Story Summary related to your argument
- Thesis Statement
II. Body
1. Characters' knowledge of literary works
- Topic Sentence with a summary of your argument for this topic
- Support
2. Characters' reactions to reading literary works
- Topic Sentence with a summary of your argument for this topic
- Support
3. Characters' reactions to home burnings
- Topic Sentence with a summary of your argument for this topic
- Support
III. Conclusion
- Restate your general argument
- Tell the reader why your argument is important
4. Draft
Write several drafts to this essay ensuring your body paragraphs are in proper order to make the strongest argument possible.
Note: Even though we generally don't think of a compare-contrast essay as an argumentative essay, it is. Every literary essay is based off of analysis and you should always be trying to prove something.
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