There are reasons why the Federalists tended to be located in cities and along the coast while the Anti-Federalists tended to be in rural areas and in the interior of the country. The main reasons have to do with the jobs the people did and the transportation of the products made or produced. The Federalists mainly represented business people. Businesses tend to locate near cities and water. There is more economic activity in the cities....
There are reasons why the Federalists tended to be located in cities and along the coast while the Anti-Federalists tended to be in rural areas and in the interior of the country. The main reasons have to do with the jobs the people did and the transportation of the products made or produced. The Federalists mainly represented business people. Businesses tend to locate near cities and water. There is more economic activity in the cities. Thus, the ability to make money was greater in the city. The businesses needed to ship their products to other countries. Being located near water, helped ease that process and reduce shipping costs. Business products tended to be bigger and bulkier than farm products. As a result, being near the coast was important for business people.
The Anti-Federalists represented many farmers. Farmers needed lots of open space to grow their crops. There was more open space in the interior of the country than in the cities. Additionally, the land was more expensive in the cities than in the rural areas. Farmers could also ship their farm products more easily by rivers than big businesses could ship the products they made by rivers. There were plenty of rivers and streams in the interior of the country that connected to major rivers. These rivers, in turn, led to the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean.
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