The research you are being asked to do is a wonderful assignment because there are so many choices you could make. The return of veterans requiring so much health care is a huge public health issue affecting thousands of people. The idea that health care has a limit to resources would also be a topic as our population grows ever older which would mean that certain procedures might be limited to those under 75.
However, the choice I would make would be the shortage of donated organs for people who need them. This is a public health issue as so many people die while waiting for donated organs, and the need is for every kind of organ such as heart, kidneys, liver or lungs. The list goes far beyond that, but in the small group of people who live in my complex, we have one in the hospital waiting for a heart transplant, one who is on dialysis waiting for new kidneys, one who just died of pancreatic cancer and one who has been told that new kidneys will become a must soon. None of them are on the top of any list and matches are hard to find as everything must be exactly right or the transplant will not take.
Hospitals ask families if they wish to donate organs and are often turned down. Almost every organ which is usable is in high demand with a long waiting list. The health policies require hospitals to follow guidelines before even asking a family for a donation, and because the question comes at the height of their sorrow, many families say no even if the person in question might have said yes. There is a current policy of donors being listed on drivers' licenses, but that is not enough.
Currently, the country is divided into regions so that if you are in region one, a heart which would work for you in region three is not available to you but only to someone in that region. The system needs to be all one system so that anyone in any region can be assigned a heart from any region if everything fits, and that would require a new federal policy. Transporting the organs is another issue as time is of the essence. You could research if there are alternate ways of getting the organs from one hospital to another within the time limits of transplant if the regions system were not in place.
I wish you well as you do this very important paper. Choose your issue wisely.
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