Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Compare and contrast FDR'S accomplishments with those of Lincoln and Washington. Does he match up with them in importance in your view? Explain why...

To answer your question, I will explain some of the major accomplishments of President Washington, President Lincoln, and President Roosevelt. From the explanation provided, you should be able to make a case if you believe President Roosevelt can compare to the other two presidents.

 Major accomplishments of President Washington:

  1. He got the country going after the Constitution was written, and he was elected president. This was not an easy job as the country faced many...

To answer your question, I will explain some of the major accomplishments of President Washington, President Lincoln, and President Roosevelt. From the explanation provided, you should be able to make a case if you believe President Roosevelt can compare to the other two presidents.

 Major accomplishments of President Washington:

  1. He got the country going after the Constitution was written, and he was elected president. This was not an easy job as the country faced many problems.

  2. He was able to avoid war with Britain and Spain. Jay’s Treaty with Britain allowed us to trade in the West Indies. The British also left the Ohio Valley. Pinckney’s Treaty with Spain allowed us to use the Mississippi River and store products at New Orleans. It also established the boundary with Florida.

  3. He appointed very capable people to his Cabinet. Alexander Hamilton, who was Secretary of the Treasury, developed a debt plan and helped create a national bank. Thomas Jefferson, who was Secretary of State, handled our dealings with France, Britain, and Spain.

 Major accomplishments of President Lincoln:

  1. He led our country during the Civil War. He skillfully made the Confederacy decide if they would attack us at Fort Sumter.

  2. He issued the Emancipation Proclamation freeing the slaves in the South. He skillfully understood at what time it would be appropriate to issue such a major statement. Doing so at the beginning of the war would have meant the loss of more border states.

  3. He understood the need for healing once the Civil War ended. He wanted the country to come together again.

  4. He also understood when it was time to replace an ineffective general. General McClellan was relieved of his command after failing to pursue General Lee after the Battle of Antietam.  

 Major accomplishments of President Roosevelt:

  1. He helped to develop 15 government programs to deal with the crippling effects of the Great Depression in his first 100 days in office. These programs created jobs, regulated industries, and provided relief to various groups of people such as farmers and unemployed young people.

  2. President Roosevelt helped to establish the mindset that our government would act as a safety net if things really feel apart. He also created programs like Social Security which many Americans depend on today.

  3. President Roosevelt guided us through the events of virtually all of World War II. He found ways to help our Allies prior to us joining the war. He was involved in planning the strategy to help defeat the Axis Powers after the attack at Pearl Harbor. President Roosevelt guided us through two of the most difficult periods in our history. 

Based on this information, you should be able to draw your own conclusion and defend it.

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