Friday, 12 August 2016

What are some chapter-by-chapter study questions to help with the story "The Thief Lord" by Cornelia Funke?

Chapters 1-2

1- Why do the Harliebs want to hire Victor?

2- According to Victor, what does the name "Prosper" mean?

3- Why did the boys choose Venice?

4- Why doesn't Prosper want Bo's picture taken?

5- How old are the boys?

6- How and where do Prosper and Bo meet Hornet?

7- Where does Hornet take the boys?

Chapters 3-5

1- What jobs are given to Ricco and Mosca by the Thief Lord?

2- What does the Thief Lord's disguise look like?

3- Where do the various character's sleep?

4- Who is Barbarossa?  Why is he important to the children in the theater?

5- Why does Barbarossa deduct money from what he owes the children?

6- Is Prosper good at deal making?  Why or why not?

7- What is in Scipio's message from Barbarossa?

8- What secrets does Barbarossa not know about Scipio?

9- Describe Scipio's leadership of the children.

10- Why do the children follow Scipio?

Chapter 6-14

1- How does Prosper spend the money Barbarossa gives him?  What types of things does he feel are necessary and what is unnecessary.  

2- How do Prosper and Bo change in relationship to one another in Chapter 8?

3- What secrets are learned about Mosca, Riccio, and Hornet in this section of the book?  Why are these secrets important to the story?

4- Why does Prosper consider leaving Venice?

5- What does Hornet think about Prosper's plan to leave?

6- When Conte wants to meet with Scipio, what concerns are raised?

7- Where is the designated location of the meeting with Conte?  Why is it significant?

Chapters 15-26:

1- What item is taken from Victor?  Who has it?  Why does he need it?

2- What is a middleman?  How is Barbarossa a middleman in the story?

3- Why does Victor go to see the Doctor?

4- Why does Scipio run away?

5- How did Scipio and the children first meet?

6- Describe Scipio's personality in the theater and on the streets compared to his personality at his home.  Why do you think there is such a contrast between the two?

7- Where did Prosper decide all of Scipio's loot was stolen?

8- What does Victor promise the children?  Why did it take him so long?

Chapter 27-36

1- What deal does Ida make with the children?

2- Why can Scipio steal easily from his own house?

3- What does Victor tell the Hartliebs?

4- What was the Hartleibs decision regarding finding Prosper and Bo?

5- What is the Isola Segreta's legend?  

6- Where did Conte take the wing?

7- Why does Hornet come to Scipio's house?

8- How did the police know about the children?

Chapter 37-53

1- Why does Scipio visit Ida?

2- How do the Hartliebs feel about Bo at this point in the story?  Why have things changed?

3- Who are Renzo and Morosina?

4- How have Renzo and Morosina survived on the island?

5- Who chooses to ride the merry-go-round?  Why do they make that choice?

6- Which characters decide not to ride the merry-go-round?  Why?

7- How does Ida know that Prosper went to the Isola Segreta?

8- What plans does each character make for the future?

9- What happens to Scipio at the end of the story?  

10- Describe the changes in Victor from the beginning of the story to the end.  How and why has he changed?

11- What happened to the merry-go-round?

12- What happened to Barbarossa?

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