In the time of King Arthur, the natural environment blended with magical elements and creatures. However, all the elements and creatures had since disappeared and paved the way for modern religion.
According to the poem, there were plenty of magical creatures who existed in the natural environment. For instance, there were fairies and elves who danced in the open fields. There were mythical creatures, such as, the incubus who lived in the forest and made...
In the time of King Arthur, the natural environment blended with magical elements and creatures. However, all the elements and creatures had since disappeared and paved the way for modern religion.
According to the poem, there were plenty of magical creatures who existed in the natural environment. For instance, there were fairies and elves who danced in the open fields. There were mythical creatures, such as, the incubus who lived in the forest and made it dangerous for women who went there alone, because the incubus would impregnate them as they slept. These magical and mythical creatures were however replaced, and in their position, holy friars and limiters existed. The friars were assigned a specific area where they performed their religious duties and begged from passersby for their livelihood.
I speak of many hundred years ago.
But now such elves no one is seeing. No,
For now the prayers and charitable desires
Of limiters and other holy friars
Who wander all the land, by every stream,
As thick as specks of dust in a sunbeam,
To bless our halls, chambers...
In summary, the difference was that magic and magical elements were restricted during her time as compared to King Arthur’s time. During King Arthur’s time, creatures such as fairies existed freely in the natural environment.
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