Throughout the novel, Tom Robinson is portrayed as an innocent individual who becomes a victim of racial injustice. There are several quotes throughout the novel that portray his innocence. While Tom is on the witness stand, he is questioned about whether he was paid for helping Mayella Ewell. Tom says, "No suh, not after she offered me a nickel the first time. I was glad to do it, Mr. Ewell didn't seem to help her...
Throughout the novel, Tom Robinson is portrayed as an innocent individual who becomes a victim of racial injustice. There are several quotes throughout the novel that portray his innocence. While Tom is on the witness stand, he is questioned about whether he was paid for helping Mayella Ewell. Tom says, "No suh, not after she offered me a nickel the first time. I was glad to do it, Mr. Ewell didn't seem to help her none, and neither did the chillun, and I knowed she didn't have no nickels to spare." (Lee 256) Tom shows sympathy for Mayella, and selflessly offers her assistance without any pay. Tom was also poor, but found the time to help out another person who was struggling.
When Atticus asks Tom Robinson if he resisted her advances, Tom says, "Mr. Finch, I tried. I tried to 'thout bein' ugly to her. I didn't wanta be ugly, I didn't wanta push her or nothin'." (Lee 260) In this scene, Tom displays his manners and polite disposition despite Mayella's inappropriate advances. Tom knew he was in a precarious situation, but still showed concern for Mayella's well-being before choosing to run out of the house.
After Atticus finishes questioning Tom Robinson, Mr. Link Deas shouts from the crowd, "I just want the whole lot of you to know one thing right now. That boy's worked for me eight years an' I ain't had a speck o'trouble outa him. Not a speck." (Lee 261) Mr. Link Deas' statement about Tom's character portrays Tom as an innocent man. Tom was a caring, selfless individual, who was respected throughout his community. His employer's testimony depicts Tom as a moral, hard working individual. These several comments portray Tom Robinson as an innocent individual who became a victim of prejudice.
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