A pagan is a person who practices one of the many traditions of paganism, or pagan religions. The terms "pagan" and "paganism" have long held a pejorative connotation. In fact, the terms developed as a way to describe and alienate people who were not a part of the Abrahamic faiths in the period of late antiquity. With Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as the major religious and political forces of European history, anyone who was not...
A pagan is a person who practices one of the many traditions of paganism, or pagan religions. The terms "pagan" and "paganism" have long held a pejorative connotation. In fact, the terms developed as a way to describe and alienate people who were not a part of the Abrahamic faiths in the period of late antiquity. With Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as the major religious and political forces of European history, anyone who was not a part of one of these major faiths was typically excluded and often ridiculed. Of course, the distinction between pagan and non-pagan is a little muddy when we consider the wealth of folk and regional traditions that have been practiced around the world in co-existence with orthodox Abrahamic traditions. For example, at Christmas time, many people bring a pine tree into their home and decorate it. This practice is rather new for Christians and was first practiced by non-Abrahamic, pagan individuals in Northern Europe as a celebration of the Winter Solstice.
Today, many people who practice Earth-based religions seek to reclaim the term pagan not as a slur or word of oppression, but as a descriptor for religious practice which is not drawn from the Abrahamic traditions. The term neo-paganism describes the movement to reconstruct the religious roots of cultures which have a long history of Christianity, Judaism, or Islam as the dominant faith. Neo-pagans are interested in what religious traditions would have existed prior to the Abrahamic faiths and seek to reconstruct and preserve these traditions.
In sum, a pagan has historically been any person who did not belong to one of the monotheistic faiths, but today it may also refer to any person who practices an Earth-revering folk tradition.
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