In all of my years of experience in teaching, I have rarely seen an adolescent want to move to a different location. Adolescents want familiarity and routine. Moving to a different region of the country would disrupt both familiarity and routine for this child. Kids are afraid of the unknown. This adolescent would be concerned about making new friends, fitting into a new school, learning different subjects, and possibly adapting to a different lifestyle. This...
In all of my years of experience in teaching, I have rarely seen an adolescent want to move to a different location. Adolescents want familiarity and routine. Moving to a different region of the country would disrupt both familiarity and routine for this child. Kids are afraid of the unknown. This adolescent would be concerned about making new friends, fitting into a new school, learning different subjects, and possibly adapting to a different lifestyle. This adolescent, if given a choice, would more likely than not vote to stay where he or she is currently living.
An emerging adult would probably see the situation differently. The emerging adult would likely have gone through several changes in life and, therefore, would have more confidence in making another change. This emerging adult would have experienced change going from elementary school to middle school, from middle school to high school, from high school to college or the workforce, and from having held different jobs or other positions that would have changed throughout the years. Having gone through these changes would give the emerging adult a greater sense of confidence that he or she could handle this potential change. Additionally, the emerging adult would have a greater understanding of the need to be near family and the importance of getting to know his or her relatives better. The emerging adult would be more likely to vote to move to this new location.
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