Romeo and Juliet, the titular characters of William Shakespeare's play, are the children of two wealthy families of Renaissance Verona. Though they are only in their teenage years, these two are considered full adults and both are expected, by their parents, to be married soon.
Romeo is a very introspective and dramatic young man. He is, "in love with love," or wishes to be in love. Early in the play, we learn that he is...
Romeo and Juliet, the titular characters of William Shakespeare's play, are the children of two wealthy families of Renaissance Verona. Though they are only in their teenage years, these two are considered full adults and both are expected, by their parents, to be married soon.
Romeo is a very introspective and dramatic young man. He is, "in love with love," or wishes to be in love. Early in the play, we learn that he is infatuated with a girl called Rosaline. Nonetheless, he falls in love with Juliet upon sight. Perhaps his wish is really to appear to be in love without genuinely establishing a relationship with someone.
Juliet is a little naive, having little social experience outside her own family. Over the course of the play, she grows more sure of herself, but her desire to be with Romeo leads her to making hasty decisions.
The most important thing to know about Romeo and Juliet as characters is that they are the only children of two feuding families. They are expected to be sworn enemies, but they fall in love before ever learning one another's names. This is what makes their relationship so difficult- they can never tell their families that they are in love with the enemy! This conflict drives the play and ultimately leads to the two lovers taking their own lives.
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