In Stave II of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, the Ghost of Christmas Past takes Ebenezer Scrooge to visit his past. They come to a boarding school where a solitary child has been left behind while his schoolmates head home for Christmas. That child is Ebenezer Scrooge himself. When he sees his younger self sitting at a desk reading, Scrooge breaks down into tears, remembering how he felt at that time. Soon though, he...
In Stave II of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, the Ghost of Christmas Past takes Ebenezer Scrooge to visit his past. They come to a boarding school where a solitary child has been left behind while his schoolmates head home for Christmas. That child is Ebenezer Scrooge himself. When he sees his younger self sitting at a desk reading, Scrooge breaks down into tears, remembering how he felt at that time. Soon though, he also remembers the joy he felt from reading and the way his imagination allowed visits from his favorite storybook characters like Ali Baba and Robinson Crusoe. He also remembers when his little sister, Fan, came to the boarding school to take him home and how joyous it was to see her.
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