Sunday, 15 March 2015

Is Macbeth's head brought out on the battlefield or inside Macbeth's castle?

The entire duel between Macbeth and Macduff takes place in the open field outside Macbeth's castle. The two actors playing Macbeth and Macduff begin fighting on the stage. They leave the stage still fighting. Evidently, this first exit was intended to make the duel seem long and grueling. Some of it occurs offstage because the actors cannot be expected to look like two professional soldiers having a real sword fight for a substantial length of...

The entire duel between Macbeth and Macduff takes place in the open field outside Macbeth's castle. The two actors playing Macbeth and Macduff begin fighting on the stage. They leave the stage still fighting. Evidently, this first exit was intended to make the duel seem long and grueling. Some of it occurs offstage because the actors cannot be expected to look like two professional soldiers having a real sword fight for a substantial length of time onstage. After the actors reenter and Macduff evidently kills Macbeth onstage, he must somehow retire offstage with Macbeth's body. Shakespeare wanted to show Macbeth's head, either being carried by Macduff by the scalp or impaled on a stake or pike. This obviously had to be a fake head, and Macduff would have had to go offstage to obtain that fake head and then reenter. All of this occurs in Act V, Scene 7, and the entire scene is understood to be taking place on the field of battle outside the castle. The stage directions at the beginning of Scene 7 specify [Another part of the field.]  There is a great deal of physical action indicated. For example,

Enter, with drum and colors, Malcolm, Siward, Ross, [the other] Thanes, and Soldiers.

There is no indication, however, that the action takes place anywhere but in the one part of the open field.

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