Macbeth and his fellow general Banquo defeat an invading army. On the way home, three witches tell them their fortunes: Macbeth is thane (lord) of Glamis, Cawdor, and will be king. Banquo won't be king but he will sire kings. King Duncan praises them for their courage in battle and confirms that Macbeth is also now thane of Cawdor. Macbeth writes a letter to Lady Macbeth to tell her what the witches said and she...
Macbeth and his fellow general Banquo defeat an invading army. On the way home, three witches tell them their fortunes: Macbeth is thane (lord) of Glamis, Cawdor, and will be king. Banquo won't be king but he will sire kings. King Duncan praises them for their courage in battle and confirms that Macbeth is also now thane of Cawdor. Macbeth writes a letter to Lady Macbeth to tell her what the witches said and she decides that they'll do whatever it takes for Macbeth to become king. Macbeth comes home and tells her that Duncan will be staying the night with them, and she decides they will kill him, then talks her husband into it. They kill the king and his grooms (guards) then when the bodies are discovered, blame the murder on the guards. Duncan's sons flee for their lives to England and Ireland. Macbeth is crowned king, has Banquo killed and fails to have Fleance (his son) killed. Banquo's ghost shows up at Macbeth's banquet and freaks Macbeth out. Macbeth goes back to the witches for further advice, and they tell him to fear Macduff, that Macbeth cannot be killed by "a man of woman born," and that he will be safe "until Birnam Wood comes to high Dunsinane." Macbeth is still paranoid, though, so he has Macduff's wife and children murdered (Macduff having fled to England). Lady Macbeth loses her mind and kills herself while Malcolm (King Duncan's son and heir) amasses an army which hides themselves with limbs from Birnam Wood and advances on Dunsinane castle, where Macbeth awaits, still thinking he's invincible. They attack and Macduff squares off with Macbeth, telling him that he was "from his mother's womb untimely ripp'd," then he kills Macbeth and carries his head to the new king, Malcolm.
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