The Ghost of Christmas Present shows Ebenezer Scrooge the Cratchit family on Christmas Day. Among them is Tiny Tim, Bob Cratchit's young son, who is crippled. He is also weak and in poor health. Scrooge sees this and he asks the spirit if Tiny Tim is going to die. The spirit replies with the same words that Scrooge said to the men asking him for donations for the poor in the beginning of the story....
The Ghost of Christmas Present shows Ebenezer Scrooge the Cratchit family on Christmas Day. Among them is Tiny Tim, Bob Cratchit's young son, who is crippled. He is also weak and in poor health. Scrooge sees this and he asks the spirit if Tiny Tim is going to die. The spirit replies with the same words that Scrooge said to the men asking him for donations for the poor in the beginning of the story. Scrooge realizes the coldness of his earlier words. Before Scrooge is visited by the spirits, he is uncaring and uncharitable. He thinks that if someone living in poverty would rather die than go to a work house then they should do so. Seeing the poverty of his employee and his family and their Christmastime joy, Scrooge experiences a change of heart.
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